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Honestly, a true preppy girl is supposed to be nice, and not talk about others, and flash money around. To a true preppy girl, like myself, that is rude, gaudy fake, and wrong. A true preppy girl is nice everyone. So who ever answered this question first you are not a true preppy girl.

Preppy girls are usually rude to girls unlike them they arnt nice and itd be a surprise to see a preppy girl who wasnt a bitch they are all usually self centerd and self absorbed

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Q: Why are preppy girls so mean?
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well that's kinda easy if you like a preppy guy they would like a preppy girl.....but i warn you if the guy is preppy and your not DONT CHANGE YOURSELF to fit his needs.....and if you put together a preppy guy and a preppy girl man do you have alot of ego in that relationship

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Short, Emo hair.

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Normally not. Preppy girls are classic and elegant; whereas "rocker type guys" are punk style, funky and outstanding.

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Not all girls are the same. There are nice girls and not so nice girls. There are average girls, preppy girls, active girls, etc. But normally it has been reported that some girls may change once they reach high school. Most girls mature by the time they are 15 or 16 as well

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Really really preppy clothes

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just try talking to her,get to know her friends,hang out by her locker,ask her opinion on a song your listening to girls love attention:) especially preppy ones no offense to them but they do (\_/) ( '-' ) (")(")

What does it mean to be called an abercombie girl?

Classic, preppy, but with a bit of an edge. Cooler than your average "preppy".

Is pink the best color for preppy girls?

wear whatever looks good on you

Does Justin Bieber like tom girls or preppy girls?

He likes any girl that he falls in love with. It could be you.