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Q: Who was the Chinese thinker who taught that everyone should follow rules behave and perform their duties?
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To behave good to everyone and be good to everyone.

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How do you say behave in Chinese?

traditional: 表現 simplified: 表现

How did people behave in shakespeares theatre?

Everyone behaved badly,they had no patience

There is a black sheep in every flock?

There is always one who doesn't behave or perform like others...

How do all flies behave?

Every single fly is annoying and... STUPID! Everyone knows that.

What does it mean to behave like a lemming?

It means not thinking for yourself and blindly following everyone else in what they do or say.

What is the importance of people's behavior behave in an organization?

The way people behave in an organization determines a lot with regards to the welfare of the organization. Good behavior ensures that everybody is respected and allowed to perform their duties without distractions.

What is getting everyone in the organization to think and behave in similar ways called?

Boot Camp - it the organization happens to be an Army.

How do you behave when god doesnt want you to?

you could prayer to god here's a good prayer for that question: "Dear Lord may you let me behave and look after those around me may I behave for parents teachers teaching assistants foster carers and most of all you may I be allowed 2 respect everyone Amen."

How do you know if a Chinese guy likes you?

Don't think of him as a "Chinese" guy for a start - think of him as a guy, and if he likes he he'll behave like other guys do when they like somene. Try and start up a conversation with him, you'll soon find out what he thinks of you.

Why do people have to behave in public?

People behave in public to maintain social order, respect others' rights and space, and ensure everyone's well-being and safety. It helps to create a harmonious environment where everyone can coexist peacefully and interact positively with one another.