It means Little Sister
The Hawaiian word "moi moi" translates to "sleep" in English.
You grind up black eyed peas, put a slice of boiled egg in a can, and surround it with the black eyed peas. For extra tasty moi moi, add cornbeef. Cut the moi moi into slices and serve. Moi Moi is an African dish. My dad makes it sometimes.
moi is me in french No tuez-moi moi is means me is....
dis-moi (informal) or "dites-moi" (formal and/or plural)
"moi" is correctly spelled in your question.
Jacques dutronc - et moi, et moi, et moi
c'est moi means "it's me" in English.
Who is moi
(moo-ahh) is how you pronounce moi
moi conseils