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Removing shoes before entering a house is usually a cultural rather than a religious tradition. It is common to many Eastern countries, as well as Scandinavia.

However, some religions require removing shoes before entering a house of worship or a temple. Muslims remove their shoes before entering a mosque, Hindus remove shoes before entering a temple, and Sikhs remove shoes before entering a gurudwara.

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Sikhism, Islam (Muslims) and Hinduism

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Q: Which religions have to take off their shoes when entering their place of worship?
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What do you do before entering a place of worship?

they take off there shoes and wash your hands and face.

Why do worshippers remove their shoes before entering a mandir?

The devotion of those who worship there makes the very building itself an offering to God, which is one reason why Hindus remove their shoes upon entering. Entering holy ground, the removal of shoes is a sign of respect.

What is the place that Muslims worship?

The place of worship for a Muslim any where in the world; including Egypt; is the local Masjid or Mosque. Worship can be done any where: at home, at work, in own garden, in Garage, or out in the open and only congregational prayers and special prayers like Eid prayers and funeral prayers are done in the Masjid (or mosque). However, it is to be emphasized that worship in mosques; whenever possible; is preferred.

What is the name of the worship place for buddist?

The Buddhist place of worship is called a vihara, the take of their shoes before the go in as a sign of respest and they sit on the fllor or on cushions when the meditate also the focus on budda but the do not worship him or any god.

What is the shoe room in the gurdwara used for?

A shoe room is where all the shoes are kept in a Gurdwara.

What do people do before they enter the Hindu place of worship and why?

take their shoes off, as it is a sign of respect.

Do you have to take off your shoes in a Church?

It really depends on the specific church. In Christian religions, generally no. However, there are certain branches that believe in foot washing. They wash each others feet and enter the church shoeless. Many Asian religions require the removal of shoes before entering a temple.

What do people do before they enter the Hindu place of worship?

They put their shoes outside the temple and then touch the ground with their right hand they do this to show respect to God. They also take flowers and sweet dish as offerings for God. They enter the temple and ring the bell and then worship.

What rules are there about the Sikh place of worship?

Cover Your Head At All TimesWhen You Go Inside You Should Take Your Shoes Off.

Do Jews have to take their shoes off to enter the synagogue?

They don't. The only requirement in Judaism to wash the feet before worship, is for the Kohanim in the Holy Temple (which is no longer standing). See Exodus ch.30. It is Muslims who wash their feet before entering a mosque.

Why do Americans not take off their shoes before entering a house?

because maybe that's how they like to do things in their house not everyone takes of there shoes before entering a house

How do some people shows respect as they enter a place of worship?

Some people show respect as they enter a place of worship by removing their shoes, covering their head, dressing modestly, and refraining from loud noises or distractions. They may also bow, kneel, or perform a specific ritual as a sign of reverence.