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courtesy toward women.

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Q: Which of the following is NOT among the strict though unwritten code of conduct that guided a knight?
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Related questions

What is the conduct of a knight?


A standard of conduct for the ideal knight is called the?

Chivalry code.

How does a knight represent chivalry?

A knight represents chivalry by following the chivalry code, and simply taking on the responsibility of being a knight

What has the author Jean de Cartigny written?

Jean de Cartigny has written: 'Voyage du chevalier errant' -- subject(s): Conduct of life, Fiction, Knights and knighthood 'The voyage of the vvandring knight' -- subject(s): Conduct of life, Early works to 1900 'The wandering knight' -- subject(s): Conduct of life, Fiction, Knights and knighthood

What was the Knight's pledge?

The Knight's pledge typically involved vows of loyalty, bravery, honor, and service to their liege lord. This code of conduct, known as chivalry, guided knights in their behavior both on and off the battlefield. It emphasized virtues such as courage, humility, and righteousness.

Where can one find more information about Mark Knight?

One can find more information about Mark Knight from the following sites; Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, his official site dj Mark Knight and Sound Cloud.

Which of the following people is an example of a knight?

A soldier who has to swear loyalty to another powerful person

What has the author Edward Knight written?

Edward Knight has written: 'Recession in 1982, economic risks and prospects' -- subject(s): Business cycles, Recessions, Economic conditions 'The triall of truth' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Conduct of life

What does chivalry mean?

First answer, describing a matter of current manners:basically being a gentlemanand acting really sweet ?Second Answer, referring to the Middle Ages:Chivalry was the code of conduct of the knight. It is associated with knightly virtues, honor, and courtly love. But originally, as in the twelfth century Song of Roland, it was about conduct on a battlefield. Later it was more about morals, religious conduct, and social conduct. The idea of courtly love was all about loving without a requirement of a return of affection.

Which of the following is an example of a knight?

A soldier who swore an oath to protect the people and land of a superior

Who was a knight?

a knight is a knight

Why were religious vows added to the feudal oath taken by a knight?

Religious vows were added to the feudal oath taken by a knight to signify their commitment to uphold Christian values and principles in their conduct as warriors. It also served to emphasize the spiritual aspect of their chivalric duties and obligations.