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'to spite'

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Q: Which is correct Cut off your nose despite your face or Cut off your nose to spite your face?
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Cut of your nose to spite your face?

"Cutting off the nose to spite the face" is an expression used to describe a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction to a problem: "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face" is a warning against pursuing revenge in a way that would damage oneself more than the object of one's anger.

What does Dont' cut off your nose to spite your face mean?

It means that you do something in anger that will only hurt you

What does inspitation mean?

It's actually two words, the proposition "in" and the word "spite". Spite is a motivation for doing mean or cruel or hurtful things, and often boils down to a kind of mean-spirited revenge. "To cut off your nose to spite your face" is an expression meaning that sometimes doing harm to another does greater harm to yourself. The "spite your face" part, means that you think you are doing something mean to your face by cutting off your nose. Spite is often the feeling we have when we say, "I'll show him!". It sometimes takes the form of wilful and peevish disobedience as a kind of revenge. It is this meaning that comes across in the phrase "in spite of". E.g. "My dad told me not to go to the party, but in spite of what he said, I went anyway." By extension, it can mean wilful and peevish disobedience to the common-sense dictates of reality. E.g. "In spite of the pouring rain, I determined to go tenting." The word "despite", which obviously comes from the same root, means exactly the same thing.

Where does the saying don't cut off your nose to spite your face come from?

The saying "don't cut off your nose to spite your face" dates back to the 12th century. It originated from a story about a man who, in a fit of anger, cut off his nose to spite his own face. The phrase is used to caution against taking self-destructive actions out of spite or revenge.

Where is your nose Your nose is in the middle of your face.?

Your nose is the cartilage structure in the middle of your face, through which you can sense (smell) scent.

What is rhinoplasty and what doctors work with it?

Rhinoplasty is when plastic surgeons correct your nose. They straighten it to the point where your face looks younger and more youthful.

Which is correct running nose or runny nose?

While both running nose and runny nose are correct, the preferred term is runny nose. A running nose is a specific instance of the event.

Is your nose in your scull or face  bones?


Where would you find cartilage on your face?

on you nose on you nose

What does the idiom cut off their nose to spite their face mean?

Think about cutting off your nose - it would hurt like heck and be really ugly and you couldn't breathe well afterwards. This idiom refers to doing something that ends up being worse for you than it was for the person you were trying to punish by doing it.

The nose is superior to the chin?

Yes, anatomically speaking, the nose is located higher on the face than the chin. The nose is part of the upper face while the chin is part of the lower face. This relative positioning makes the nose "superior" to the chin.

What is a Patrician nose?

A Patrician Nose is a nose that confirms well with a person's face. It is an aristocratic nose. A powerful nose that has great character.