"Hola Chica" is Spanish for "Hello, girl." It's a casual greeting used to address a female friend or acquaintance.
Some one you know but not on a deep level. You see them once and a while and chat but never make plans to actually spend quality time together
The correct spelling is acquaintance (someone you know casually).
I believe you meant to ask "What's up, brother?" This informal greeting can be used to check in with a male friend or acquaintance to ask how they are doing in a casual way.
There are many different meanings of the nature of acquaintance. An acquaintance is a person that you deal with regularly.
I ran into an acquaintance from college at the store yesterday.
The note is from an acquaintance in my neighborhood.
"Brah" is not a Hawaiian word. It is actually a slang term originating from Hawaiian pidgin English, and is used as a casual way to refer to a friend or acquaintance.
"Acquaintance" is a noun, referring to someone who is known but not a close friend.
Acquaintance is nor verb or adverb, it's a noun.
"I recently made an acquaintance with him/her."
An Acquaintance with Darkness was created in 1997.