I will reply to you. or I will reply you soon. Which sentence is right?
You can reply "Good night, sleep tight!" or simply "Good night, sweet dreams!"
When you 'reply', the reply is only sent to the person who wrote the mail. When you 'reply to all' the reply is sent to the person who wrote the mail + everyone who received the mail.
Clicking this will reply to all messages with whatever you typed.
All of a sudden I found that I had written a sentence in reply to a question.
Make sure you use good grammar, unlike this sentence.
"No hax, man. No hax at all. Im just good ;D"
No Reply at All was created on 1981-09-09.
I was astonished by the teacher's harsh reply. The messenger was instructed to wait for a reply.
It comes from "all right". Someone might ask how you are and you would reply: "I am alright, thank you. How are you?"
When I am asked how I am, I usually reply that I am fine.
Reply all typically means responding to an email by sending your reply to all recipients of the original email, which may include everyone in the email thread. It does not necessarily mean everyone in your address book.