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* You should know each other well enough to know when that person wants 'head space' (to be alone or just sit silent.) However, with women of all ages this question remains a puzzle to this day and I'm sorry to say men of all ages can't win on this one! If you talk they want you to be quiet and if you are quiet they complain you never talk to them! Whenever you are confused learn good communication skills and simply ask her when she wants to be alone and when she doesn't and ask her to give you a few hints as to her feelings to help you out. After all, you're not a mind reader!

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Q: When is a good time not to talk to your girlfriend?
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You can talk to her when if you are all alone in the house and make sure no one is listening to you.

Are you a good girlfriend if you never talk to your boyfriend?

Well, I think that being a boyfriend, or girlfriend in this case, means that you need to talk to him. If you really like him then you would want to talk to him all the time. The point of being in a relationship is getting to know your girlfriend/boyfriend better. If you don't talk to him, how are you and your boyfriend going to build a stronger relationship? So to answer your question, No I don't think you are being a 'good' girlfriend if you never talk to him.

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Break up with her ANSWER: It's time for you to tell her that the two of you need to talk. Do not let her make some silly excuses that she will talk to you when she have a free time. Do it now or else things can't be solve in a good manners. Good luck!

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Just get a girlfriend, talk to girls and be yourself, and dont worry my boyfriend plays skyrim all the time :)

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Your girlfriend will barely hold hands with you?

Holding hands is not a requirement to being a good girlfriend. If it is an issue for you, talk to her about it. Tell her how you feel.

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Good things to talk about with your girlfriend are things that interest both you and her. Movies are music are subjects where it's generally easy to find some common ground.

How do you get a girlfriend when you don't kown her?

Be Nice, Talk To her Get To KNow Her. Then When tHE TIME iS rIGHT aSK hER oUT

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Dump. Get a girlfriend who will always talk to you.