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The C/O is the person residing at the address.


John Smith

C/O Pocahontas Rolfe

1234 Notta Real St.

Jamestown, VA 58401

The letter is being mailed to Pocahantas' address, but is intended to be given to John Smith. It is in her care to give to him.

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Q: When addressing a letter in care of is that the person you want to receive the letter or the person residing at that address?
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What is Forwarding Address?

A forwarding address is used when you are temporarily residing at someplace other than your home. The letter should be addressed to you, then C/O [ in care of ] with the name of the place or person with whom you are temporarily residing,and the temporary address. Forwarding [ change of address, permanent ] is also a card you can fill out at the Post Office for a permanent change of address.

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If you were sending a letter to John Smith, MD - you could address the letter to Dr. Smith.

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When addressing a letter, a Canon is referred to as "the Reverend Canon John Doe". A letter should start "Dear Canon..."

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Your name/company name, address, phone numb if it's not preprinted. The date. The name and address of the person you're addressing.

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How do you address a letter to more than one judge?

You can address the letter by writing "Honorable Judges" or "Dear Judges." In the body of the letter, you can be more specific by addressing them individually as "Judge [Last Name]" to ensure clarity and respect.

What is the correct way to address a judge in a letter?

Example: The Honorable James Smith. If you are addressing the judge within the context of the letter you would refer to him/her as your honor.Example: The Honorable James Smith. If you are addressing the judge within the context of the letter you would refer to him/her as your honor.Example: The Honorable James Smith. If you are addressing the judge within the context of the letter you would refer to him/her as your honor.Example: The Honorable James Smith. If you are addressing the judge within the context of the letter you would refer to him/her as your honor.Example: The Honorable James Smith. If you are addressing the judge within the context of the letter you would refer to him/her as your honor.Example: The Honorable James Smith. If you are addressing the judge within the context of the letter you would refer to him/her as your honor.

Do you address a letter to honorable judge as dear honorable judge?

A judge should be addressed as "Your Honor" in all correspondence. Whether addressing him or her verbally or in a letter, this will be a correct way to do so.

Which number system is used for addressing?

number addressing (NA) is the Internet addressing system which is similar to letter addressing system.