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Q: What would be a nickname for a nice person?
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"Nice" is not a nickname for Spain.

What does it mean if a girl asks you to think of a nickname for her?

no but it would be nice

What do you think of the name Livia?

I think it would be more of a nickname but it would also be nice for a real name.

Is Daniel radcliff a nice person?

Not that I have ever met him, but yes. I would assume he is a nice person. Why wouldn't he be?

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nice answers

Is munro chambers nice in person?

a Doy he is a nice person if he wasn't why would he go to India and help all those kids are you a nice person and he is more than nice he is a total HOTTIE and he is SEXY so back to the question he is a nice person

Walter Paytons nickname?

Walter Payton nickname is "Sweetness"

What is the correct way to address a envelope when person has a nickname?

I would address it as follows: First name "nickname" Last name

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Carter's a nice name, but if you want a nickname: Carty Cart Car (?)

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Why was Walter Payton's nickname sweetness?

No one knows for sure why Walter Payton was nicknamed Sweetness. It is thought that it was because he was a nice person and had a sweet personality.

Would that be OK to ask your boyfriend if what is his plans of our relationship?

it depends on who that person is. if your bf is a nice person, it would be okay, but ask him carefully. if your bf is not a really nice person, then it wouldn't be a good idea to ask him.