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Q: What word means to offer consideration?
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What is a 13 letter word means careful thought?

Careful thought is consideration.

What thirteen letter word means careful thought?


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reflect, examine

What language does respect come from?

The word "respect" comes from the Latin word "respectus," which means "regard" or "consideration."

Would you say bares consideration or bears consideration?

The correct word to use is the verb form of "bears" wherein bears means to call for as suitable or essential, to warrant, vs. the word "bares" which means to show or reveal. See related link below.

What is a true offer?

A true offer is one where one party offers "consideration" or money to lock in the offer.

What does theoretics mean?

Theoretical is commonly a theory based instead of practical consideration. The word theoretical came from the Greek word 'theoretikos' which means 'observable'.

What is the latin roots in the word pondered?

The Latin root in the word "pondered" is "pondus," which means "weight" or "consideration."

How do the concepts of offer acceptance and consideration work together to create a valid contract?

An offer first sets out the terms/conditions of a contract. For example, I have offered you a car in exchange for £1,000. An acceptance means that you are willing to be legally bound by this offer and you will pay £1,000 for my car. Simply put, consideration is defined as a value paid for the promise of an act, service, item, etc. Both parties will gain something from the transaction. In the example, the £1,000 would be consideration for my car. However, if I simply said "I will give you my car" and you accepted, I would not be legally bound to give you the car and you could not sue me. This is because you have not given me any consideration in exchange. Without consideration, a contract cannot be formed.

Four elemenys of a contract?

The four elements of a contract are offer, acceptance, consideration, and legal intent. An offer is a promise to do something or to refrain from doing something in exchange for something else. Acceptance is the agreement to the terms of the offer. Consideration refers to the exchange of something of value between the parties. Legal intent means that the parties must have a legal purpose for entering into the contract.

Proper preposition with the word consideration?

The matter is under consideration

What word means the feeling or attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior or worthless?

The word is "contempt." It refers to the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of respect or consideration.