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Q: What salutation is proper for multiple attorneys 3 men and 1 woman?
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What is the proper written salutation for a woman who is a major in the army?

"Major" or "Ma'am".

What is the proper salutation for a woman who is Secretary of the Commonwealth of VA?

Madame Secretary

What is the proper salutation for a sitting city council member?

The honorific would be The Honorable Councilman/woman John /Jane Doe, and the salutation is Dear Councilman/woman Doe.

What is the proper salutation for a woman?

The proper salutation for a female can vary depending on their marital status. Mrs. is used for women who are married. Miss is used for women who are single, while Ms. is used for women who are both married and single. This salutation is safer to use if one is unsure of the woman's marital status.

How do you address an assembly woman in a letter?

There is a great deal of confusion as to how to address a letter to an assembly woman in office. The proper salutation would be Dear Honorable and then their name.

Proper salutation for a Mexican woman?

It should not matter what ethnicity the person is when you are addressing them either formally or informally. Mr. and Mrs./Ms. should be used if you are writing to the person in English.

What is the salutation for two men and one woman?"

What is the proper salutation to a divorced woman?

"Ms Mary Jones," which is the modern neutral term, or simply "Mary Jones." Reversion to "Miss" would be unusual, traditionally denoting a single state for women who have not been married.

Is it proper to call a woman a host?

No, the proper term is "hostess"

Is mam a proper salutation?

"Mam" is not a word in English. The word you are thinking of is "Ma'am," which is short for "Madam." In the U.S. we use "Ma'am" primarily in speech. When you are talking to a lady, it is polite to use "Ma'am," especially in the South of the U.S. In writing a letter, "Madam" is formal and polite. If you are writing to a woman who is in an official position (e.g., a government official), you could start a letter with "Dear Madam." If you are writing to someone in a professional position and you are not sure if it is a man or a woman, you can say "Dear Sir or Madam." If you are addressing a group of people, the salutation is: Ladies: Gentlemen: Ladies and/or Gentlemen: (The word "Dear" is dropped.)