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The pronoun 'everybody' is an indefinite pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for an unknown or unnamed group of people, or a word for all people in general. The pronoun 'everybody' is a singular pronoun that takes a singular verb. Examples:

Everybody is invited to the game.
Everybody was on time for the bus.

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Q: What kind of pronoun is everybody?
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Is everybody a pronoun?

Yes, the word 'everybody' is a pronoun, an indefinite pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for an unknown or unnamed number of people. The pronoun 'everybody' is a third person, singular form (everybody).Example: Everybody is invited to the company picnic.

What is the plural for everybody?

The indefinite pronoun 'everybody' is singular, it has no plural form.The pronoun 'everybody' is a word for 'each person'.Examples:Everybody is welcome.Everybody has arrived."Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime"

What part of speech is everybody's?

Everybody is an indefinite pronoun (which means it refers to a lot of things that aren't named.)

What does the indefinite pronoun everybody take?

The indefinite pronoun "everybody" takes the singular form of the verb. For example, "Everybody is welcome to attend the event."

Which is correct where are everybody or where is everybody?

The correct verb is: Where is everybody?The indefinite pronoun 'everybody' is singular (every-body).

Is everybody a plural pronoun?

No, everybody is a singular indefinite pronoun and takes a singular verb form. For example:Everybody is invited to the game.Everybody was on time for the bus.

Which sentence is correct Everybody knows that OR Everybody know that?

Correct is "Everybody knows that." The pronoun everybody is singular, as is everyone.

Which is correct everybody who has or everybody who have?

"Everybody who has" is correct. "Everybody" is a singular pronoun, so it should be followed by a singular verb, which in this case is "has."

What is the synonym of everyone?

everyone as a pronoun - everybody

What pronouns are in everybody?

The word 'everybody' is a single word, an indefinite pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for an unknown or unnamed number of people. The pronoun 'everybody' is a compound word, a word made up of two or more words to form a word with a meaning of its own. The pronoun 'everybody' is a combination of the adjective 'every' and the noun 'body'.

Is everybody a third person word?

Yes, the indefinite pronoun 'everybody' is a third person pronoun.The third person is the person spoken about.The indefinite pronoun 'everybody' takes the place of a noun for an unknown or unnamed person spoken about.The indefinite pronoun 'everybody' can also function as a second person pronoun, a word for a person spoken to.Examples:It would be a wonderful world if everybody was like you. (third person, all of the people in the world)Everybody is welcome at the street fair. (third person, all people)Is everybody ready? (second person, the people spoken to)

Is everybody an indefinite pronoun?

Yes, "everybody" is an indefinite pronoun that refers to all people in a group without specifying any individuals. It is used to talk about people in general or collectively.