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Q: What is the work for someone that wont stay out of other peoples business?
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It means to stay out of someone's messages or business

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14 billion years, they mostly eat fish so that gives them a really good metabolism, the oldest Chinese man is approximately 14.5 billion years and he says, that as long you stay out of other other peoples business then you will be fine.

What is the meaning of the idiomatic expression stay in your backyard?

Think of someone trying to get out of their backyard and trespassing on someone else's yard. This phrase means "mind your own business and stay out of mine." It's an emphatic order to keep to yourself.

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It's up to them to sort out, and isn't your business. Stay out of it. If it all goes wrong, offer kindness and support; it's all you can reasonably do.

Why are Maryland taxes so high?

because we have a democratic govenor who loves to spend other peoples money and give his wife a 28,000.00 pay raise. all the democratics do is spend and tax and put money in their own pockets. Once upon a time it was a goverment for the people, now the goverment cant stay out of peoples business no matter what they want to create a law that no one can understand.

Is it possible to have a negative interest rate?

No because that would mean the lender was paying someone to borrow from them and they couldn't stay in business like that.

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There are several ways to help someone to stay sober. Probably the best way is to stay sober yourself and offer the other person interesting non-alcoholic alternatives.

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Would you want someone else to be messing with a relationship you have with someone...didnt think so.

How do I find a good residential electrical contractor?

For this type of work I would first go to to see other peoples recommendations or people to stay away from. Yes there is a fee for consumers. Otherwise I would check with better business bureau as well online for any electricians in your area who are qualified.

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The main goal of a contemporary business is to stay in business. To stay in business, new customers have to be attracted to the services and products that the business provides, through advertising.

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A good place for visitors to stay can depend on what a person has to offer. Someone with an extra bedroom can offer them a bedroom. Other times, they may have to stay in a hotel.

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"The business of business" is whatever is required to stay in business (i.e., to stay afloat). This means, all the (often unglamorous) aspects of operating a business in a way that allows it to grow and become/remain profitable.