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politeness, good manners, civility, gallantry, graciousness, affability, urbanity, favour, kindness, indulgence

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Q: What is the synonym for courtesy?
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What is the synonym of courtesy?

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What is the synonym of the word 'favor'?

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Which is correct courtesy to or courtesy from?

As a courtesy to Joe, I picked up his laundry. Would you count these papers as a courtesy to the teacher? As a courtesy to others, please turn off your cell phone in the restaurant. 'Courtesy to' is correct.

Is courtesy a abstract noun?

Yes, the noun 'courtesy' is an abstract noun, a word for a behavior or an attitude.

Can you give me a sentence using the word courtesy?

Courtesy is politeness. His courtesy won him friends.

Is courtesy related to curtsy?

A. Curtsy is varant of courtesy. B. Specialization-a specific form of courtesy.

How is courtesy related to curtsy?

A. Curtsy is varant of courtesy. B. Specialization-a specific form of courtesy.

How many syllables in the word courtesy?

There are three syllables in the word "courtesy."

How do you write courtesy in a sentence?

you must have courtesy to b truthful to your best "being truthful" is the courtesy..or another exampleyou might have the courtesy to tell me about that.

What rhymes with courtesy?

There are no perfect rhymes for the word courtesy.

What is the plural of courtesy?

The plural form of courtesy is courtesies