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Dear Air Vice Marshal .........

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Q: What is the salutation for an Air Vice-Marshall?
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What is the antonym of salutation as in a letter?

what is the antonym of salutation

Is Happy birthday a salutation?

No a greeting. A salutation is what you write at the end of a letter.

What is the proper salutation for 2 men?

the correct salutation for two men is Messrs

Salutation for juris Doctorate degree?

Salutation for a juris doctorate degree would be Dr. , that salutation would be used on correspondence on documents or legal forms.

What punctuation mark is used after a salutation?

A comma is typically used after a salutation in a letter or email.

What is the proper salutation for a Dean?

Dean actually is the proper salutation. One could say: Dean Redmond, would you please sign this form? Alternatively you could just use the Dr. salutation or the Professor salutation if those are appropriate, which they generally are.

What is a good salutation for a church Foundation Letter?

A good salutation for a church foundation letter would be 'blessings'. You could also use your normal salutation such as 'sincerely yours'.

Salutation to the dawn?

Salutation to the Dawn is a poem about life. It speaks about yesterday, today, and tomorrow, about dreaming and happiness.

What part of a business letter is Dear Mr. President?

Dear Mr. President is a salutation of a business letter. The salutation goes at the beginning, thus that's how you got Dear.

What is an antonym for salutation?

Anotonyms for salutation (meaning greeting) would be dismissal or farewell.Antonyms for salutation (meaning praise) are disapproval, demerit, calumny, condemnation, or criticism.We say hello with a salutation; we say goodbye with a valediction. This is also the term for the polite closing in a letter.

How can you use the word salutation?

Walmart greeters must give salutation to all who enter the store.

Does the subject line come before or after the salutation?

Subject line always comes before the salutation.