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I don't know what is considered proper etiquette today, but it used to be in the case of a divorced woman(Mrs. Smith) whose maiden name was Thomas, the correct way would be for her to sign as Mrs. Mary Smith Thomas. Or, if you were named Mary Smith Thomas at birth, you can certainly sign your name that way, or simply as Mary S. Thomas. Really, though, all you have to do to start is give one your name as YOU want it to be shown.

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Q: What is the proper way to address a letter if someone has two last names?
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What is the proper way to address a letter to two people?

Use their names ie Dear Tess and Mike, If you don't know their names To whom it may concern: works

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No. Proper names are not allowed in Scrabble.

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I am fairly certain that you would address the letter by listing the names alphabetically on separate lines on the envelope, and then follow with the address. Example: Mr. John Jones Mrs. Jane Smith 200 Nowhere Lane Anyplace, State 00000-0000 It is handled differently if one of the individuals has a title (such as a doctor)...but, I can't remember the rule for that one.

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You can address a letter Dear Fred and Bertha (or whatever the actual names are). Personally, I often address my letter Dear Folks. That way there won't be any dispute about why I put Fred's name before Bertha's.

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Proper nouns are names - either of people or of places. Unless you have someone or somewhere named "Turtle" then it is not a proper noun.

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Either of the couples names would be appropriate.

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No. Proper nouns (names) use capital letters.

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The best way to address the letter is to place one address after the other. In your salutation, place both of their names after the word "Dear."