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Idiomatic expression of discontent and or annoyance with somebody.

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Q: What is the meaning of the urban slang 'Bite me'?
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What is the meaning of the urban slang word pwn?

One uses the urban slang word pwn, or mostly in the form of pwned meaning to own or rule, generally used when one dominates the other to point they are almost enslaved to their losing.

What does dougalicious mean?

It is urban slang meaning you are irrasistable and have the reputation of being a sex God.

How do you spell tittly?

Other than obscure urban slang, the word sought may be the UK term tiddly, meaning small or trifling.(It has a slang use similar to the US "tipsy" meaning drunk.)

What is urban slang for a little farther?

"Down the road" is urban slang for a little farther.

What does Coto stand for in the urban days?

Coto is Spanish and is a slang word. It's meaning is translated as b.s. but there is no proper translation as it is slang, so not really an actual word.

What is the meaning of the urban slang 'juk goosh'?

"Juk goosh" is an urban slang term that refers to dancing or moving in a crazy or energetic way. It is often used to describe someone who is dancing enthusiastically or with a lot of energy.

What is the slang meaning of bait?

The word "bait" means something used to lure someone or something into a trap. Urban slang uses the word to mean someone very attractive.

Is kegs slang for pants?

No kegs is something elseIn some parts of the UK 'kecks' or 'kex' is an urban slang meaning men's trousers-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes it is.Sometimes also kechs.Perhaps derivative from 'keich' which is slang for (variously) 'poo'

What is the definition for compa in the Urban Dictionary?

The Urban Dictionary lists the definition for the word 'compa' as meaning pal or compadre. It is a Spanish slang word that can also mean a political ally.

What is the Urban Slang for A Little Farther?

The urban slang for "a little farther" could be "a bit more" or "a tad further."