Incapable of being suffered, borne, or endured; insupportable; unendurable; intolerable; as, insufferable heat, cold, or pain; insufferable wrongs., Offensive beyond endurance; detestable.
This is usually held to be a person who is prone to making outrageous statements, and who brooks no disagreement. Being in the presence of such a person engenders feelings of hostility and a strong desire to either throttle them, or escape from their presence so as not to succumb to the urge to throttle them. I think that about sums it up!
human being???...
That is the name of the person who is being paidsomething.
On the other hand, a slave is a human being, but he is not a person by virtue of his rights as a human being although he still a huan being.
Winehis weakness is that he cant handle his liquor and can be crafty and vindictive
State of being cleanly; neatness of person or dress.
A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing. A human being is a person. The word 'human being' is a compound noun, a noun made up of two or more words that form a noun with a meaning of its own.
person or animal in which is either is chimpa/monkey or human being.
Care about being concerned or mindful about the concerns of a given person.
The quality of a person being exciting, energetic, or sexually attractive
The meaning of a massage video is when someone massages another person on video. Usually the person getting massaged enjoys the massaging being given to them.