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The Revd. & Mr. X

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Q: What is the correct way to address an envelope to a pastor and her husband?
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Address an envelope to married Pastors?

Address it as 'Pastor---(the name of the pastor).

What is the proper way to address an envolope for a preacher and his wife?

If the letter/invitation is primarily to the reverend but also her husband: Rev. Mary Smith and Mr. John Smith If the letter/invitation is primarily to the husband but includes the wife: Mr. John Smith and Rev. Mary Smith If it is strictly a business letter and not church related: Mr. & Mrs. John Smith

How do I address an envelope to a male doctor and pastor who is married?

Same as to anybody else. Put the name and address of the person clearly in the center of the envelope.

What is the proper way to address a letter to a husband and wife when the husband is a Pastor and also is the third not Jr?

If the Pastor who is the third and not a Junior is the only Pastor then you address him and his wife: Pastor & Mrs. John Doe. If all three were Pastors then you would address the letter as: Pastor John Doe,III & Mrs. John Doe.

Is the correct address Reverend Herman Sampson Pastor?

Reverend Herman Sampson, Pastor

How do you address an envelope to a pastor and his wife?

"The Rev. and Mrs. (his first and last name)" would be the correct way to address an envelope to a pastor and his wife.

Do you list the first name of the husband or wife on an envelop?

When addressing an envelope to a husband and wife it should be: Mr. & Mrs. John Doe. If either of the partners are a doctor, etc., then it would read Dr. & Mrs. John Doe or Pastor & Mrs. John Doe, etc.

What is the correct way to address pastor and First lady?

Get over here you lazy peice of cheese

Which is correct Pastor Emeritus or Emeritus Pastor?

Pastor Emeritus is correct. The title first, then the "disclaimer" stating the retirement.

How do you use an apostrophe to address more than one pastor?

To just address more than one pastor, you do not need an apostrophe.Instead, write Dear Pastor (name) and Pastor (name).Or, Dear Pastors (name and name).Dear Pastor Smith and Pastor Jones.

How do you spell co pastor?

The usual spelling is hyphenated "co-pastor" (one sharing pastoral duties).

What is the role of a shouter baptist pastor and his wife?

the role of a husband pastor is to preach and spread the word of GOD to his bothers and sisters