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Q: What is the adverb for offend?
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Did i offend you or did i offended you?

I offend you

What is the meaning of offend in Telugu?

The meaning of "offend" in Telugu is "కోపించు" (kōpiṅcu).

What is the prefix for offend?

The prefix for offend is "dis-".

What does shockingly mean?

It is an adverb formed from the verb "to shock", usually not in the sense of what would happen if you stuck your tongue in the light socket and more in the figurative sense of what would happen if you opened the door to the Jehovah's Witnesses stark naked. In this figurative sense "to shock" means to offend against sensibilities. The adverb (usually used to modify adjectives rather than verbs) means in a manner calculated to offend against sensibilities. E.g. "She was wearing a shockingly short skirt."

How do you spell the word offend in spanish?

To offend: ofender.

What is a good sentence with the word offend in it?

I'm sorry to offend you.

What is the verb of offence?

The verb form of "offence" is "offend." It means to cause someone to feel hurt, angry, or upset by something said or done.

Can you use a sentence using offend?

It is best not to offend anybody if you can help it.

Can you give me a sentence with the word offend?

I would not want to offend your sensibilities.

What is the verb form of offense?

The verb form of offense is "offend."

What sin is it when someone acts in ways that offend God?

THAT is the DEFINITION of sin.....acting in ways that offend God. All sins offend God.

When was Offend Maggie created?

Offend Maggie was created on 2008-10-07.