Translation: Thank you sir, can I have another?
"Dziękuję miłościwy Panie"
An English translation of the Spanish expression suelo pensar to mean thank you sir.
Translation: Muchas gracias, bienvenidos, señor
Anata WA shinsetsu sa kansha
Kind sir, Islam is not a country. Thank you for your ignorance. Sincerely, Amanda
Dillon is awesome because he destroyed the llamas a while back. Thank you very much, kind sir.
Obrigado (if you are male), obrigada (if you are female). Senhor (sir) is only ever used when you are talking to an elder (someone old enough to look like a guaranty kind of elder) or in very formal situations.
Muito obrigado, sir
Vir optime.
This translates to "I thank you, Lord" in English.