She made an invidious remark about her coworker, causing tension in the office.
The basketball player's display of temper and invidiouscomments after his third personal foul resulted in his being called for a technical foul also.
Invidious Dominion was created on 2010-08-24.
This is an example of a sentence using the word breakfast.
Example sentence with the word "advise":"I would advise you not to do that."
unpleasant, awkward, difficult; undesirable, unenviable; odious, hateful, detestable.
This is an example of an exclamatory sentence using the word happening!
"I looked already and it wasn't there!" Is an example sentence.
I can give you an example sentence. One example of the cat family is the lion.
use a example word indiffrent on a sentence
Example sentence - Her behavior was a commendable example for her peers.
An example sentence is a sentence written to show usage of a particular word or phrase. This sentence is an example of an example sentence!