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Someone who is excessively thrifty with their money.

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Q: What is a penny pincher?
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What is penny-pincher?

Someone who does not like spending money

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The cast of Penny-Pinching - 2010 includes: Thomas Laurance as Penny-Pincher

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a person who has trouble giving up there money. Also a person who is a Penny Pincher.

A person who hoards money and spends very little?

A miser or scrooge Penny Pincher Spendthrift

What do you call someone who is careful with money?

cheap tight penny pincher stingy frugal thrifty scrooge

What is the opposite to spender?

Thrift, in a good sense; and miser, tight-wad or penny-pincher in a bad sense.

What is a term used to describe someone who is tight with money?

Family Feud: Cheap Stingy Tight Penny Pincher Frugal Scrooge Thrifty