"Madam" is a palindrome that can be used as a title of respect for a lady. It reads the same forwards and backwards.
Madam, Ma'am
Ma'am is a palindrome that is a contraction for a lady
A palindrome is a word that can be read forward and backwards. Examples of female name palindromes: Hannah Ava Eve Anna Elle Ada Viv ana Mom (title) Madam (title) Maam (title)
The palindrome of "lady monk" is "knomydal." It's like a little word puzzle that plays the same backwards and forwards. So there you have it, palindromic perfection in all its glory.
Madam, ma'am
A palindrome for "lady monk" could be "knomydal." A palindrome for "look quickly and quietly" could be "yltiuq dna ylkciuq kool."