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You can make up any idiom or slang that you want to! Here's a link to some real idioms so you can get an idea of what they look like.

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The idiom "bone up" means to study intensively or improve one's understanding of a subject. In this context, it means that he made an effort to enhance his vocabulary before the test by studying diligently.

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A good idiom would be "sitting on the fence."

What figure of speech is life is a bowl of cherries?

"Life is just a bowl of cherries" is a popular idiom that at one point was made into a song. It simply means that life is good and everything is going great!

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The meaning of the idiom in the pink of health means being in good health.

What the the Idiom Pick up a quill mean?

A quill was a pen made from the feather of a large bird. To say "Pick up your quill" means start writing.

What is the idiomatic meaning of that's a good point?

The idiom "that's a good point" is used to acknowledge a valid or convincing argument made by someone, indicating agreement or approval of their perspective.

What idiom has a description of surrender?

An idiom that means surrender is to "wave the white flag." A closely related idiom is to "throw in the towel" which means to give up."

What is the origin of the idiom 'for good'?

Also, for good and all. Permanently, forever. .

Finish the idiom she cried tears?

I cannot find an idiom that starts off "she cried tears." When you cry, you cry tears, so that would not be a good idiom anyway.