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Q: What is a boring person called?
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How a boring person becomes individual?

A boring person is already an individual. Boring is a judgment call and a person who may seem boring to you is just perfect for someone else.

Why do i think everything is boring?

because you are a boring person?

How can you make a boring guy not so boring?

You can not change a person unless they want to change. He may not be as "boring " as you think. Look, to self before deciding "who" a person is in life.

What terms are used to describe a boring person?

A not entertaining person

How does a person know if they are boring?

A person can ask others if they think they are boring. They can also watch how others react during their day to day conversations. If they see a lot of yawning or straying away, that might mean that the person they are talking to finds them boring.

Why is a right handed boring bar called a right handed boring bar?

because its a right handed boring bar

Why do you have nothing to do?

cuz ur a boring person with no life

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What does it mean if someone calls you a mop?

that you are a boring person

What does it mean if you call someone a boring stiff?

it basically means that they are as boring as a dead person, as 'stiff' is slang for a dead body.

What do you talk about with the guy you like he said you were boring when you really am anything but boring?

Don't be boring! He wouldn't say you're boring if you were anything but boring. Additionally; learning to properly use the English language, either written or spoken, will greatly help in your quest to have a conversation with this person; assuming their first language is English as well. From the looks of your question though, this person may be mistaking your "anything but boring" persona with someone of lower intelligence or lacking in education.