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Atomic number increases by one.

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Q: What is The alpha emission process results in the daughter nucleus differing in what manner from the parent?
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The beta emission process results in the daughter nucleus differing in what manner from the parent?

The daughter nucleus in beta emission differs from the parent by having one more proton and one less neutron. This change results in the transformation of a neutron within the nucleus into a proton, accompanied by the emission of an electron (beta particle) and an antineutrino.

Protactinium-231 decays by emitting an beta particle and a gamma ray. What daughter nuclide is formed in this process?

Protactinium-231 decays by beta emission to form uranium-231 as the daughter nuclide. The gamma ray emission is a result of the daughter nucleus readjusting its internal energy state after the beta decay.

Where does the positron produced during positron emission come from?

In positron emission, the positron is produced from the nucleus of an atom when a proton is converted into a neutron and a positively charged positron. This process helps to make the nucleus more stable by decreasing the number of protons.

What happens to the nucleus when a neutron hits it?

When a neutron hits the nucleus, it can be absorbed by the nucleus, causing the nucleus to become unstable and possibly undergo radioactive decay. This process can lead to the release of energy, emission of radiation, or transmutation of the nucleus into a different element.

When the process of dividing a cell nucleus is known as what?

The process of dividing a cell nucleus is known as mitosis. During mitosis, the chromosomes in the nucleus condense, line up, separate, and move into two new daughter cells.

The process of positron emission results in a change to the atomic nucleus. Is that change a decrease of 1 or a decrease of 2 or an increase of 1 or is there no change?

The process of positron emission results in a decrease of 1 in the atomic number of the nucleus. This is because a proton is converted into a neutron, emitting a positron and a neutrino in the process.

What is the process of radioactivity called?

The process of radioactivity is called radioactive decay. It involves the emission of particles or energy from an unstable atomic nucleus to achieve a more stable state. This process can result in the transformation of one element into another.

What is radioactive decay caused by?

Is the process by which the atomic nucleus becomes slightly smaller, as a result of the emission of particles, electromagnetic radiation, or both. ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE is the right answer

What actually decays in radioactive decay?

The nucleus of the atom decays, and in the process, the nucleus transforms into another element, or into an isotope or isomer of the same element. In radioactive decay, the nucleus always emits some kind of particle(s). It is the high-energy emission of these particles that we call radiation. There are many different types of radioactive decay:Alpha decay results in the emission of an alpha particle (two neutrons and two protons)Beta decay results in the emission of a beta particle (an electron or a positron)Neutron decay results in the emission of a neutronProton decay results in the emission of a protonGamma decay results in the emission of a gamma particle (a photon)Neutrino decay results in the emission of a neutrino or antineutrinoIn some cases, a combination of the above emissions takes place. For example in double beta decay, a single nucleus emits two electrons and two antineutrinos in the same event.

What is a type of radioactive decay that involves emission from the nucleus of a high speed antimatter particle that is a counterpart of the electron?

Positron emission is a type of radioactive decay where a proton in the nucleus is converted into a neutron, resulting in the emission of a positron (antimatter equivalent of an electron) and a neutrino. This process helps to decrease the proton-neutron imbalance in the nucleus.

What is a proton in the nucleus converted into what during electron capture?

During electron capture, a proton in the nucleus is converted into a neutron. This process occurs when an electron combines with a proton in the nucleus, resulting in the emission of a neutrino.

What decay occurs when a nucleus emits an electron in the process of a proton decaying into a neutron?

The decay process you are referring to is called beta-plus decay, also known as positron emission. In this process, a proton within the nucleus transforms into a neutron by emitting a positron (anti-electron) and an electron neutrino. This results in a decrease of one in the atomic number of the nucleus while the mass number remains constant.