we go (there) to swim
"on y va pour apprendre" means "let's go to learn" in French. It is an expression used to suggest going somewhere with the intention of learning something.
on y VA
on y va
Let's go!
Comment ça va ? : how are you?
ça va means 'it's OK' or 'I'm fine' in French.
comment est-ce qu'on y arrive, comment est-ce qu'on y va,
The French for va va voom is va va voom it is already French!!!!!!
"We go there to learn" is an English equivalent of the French phrase On y va pour apprendre. The pronunciation of the declarative statement in the third person impersonal singular -- which translates literally as "One goes there in order to learn" -- will be "o-nee va poo-ra-prawnd" in northerly French and "o-nee va poo-rapraw-druh" in southerly French.
"On y va!" It means "lets go!" in informal french. or "Allons-y" which means the same thing in more formal french.
Vas-t'en is 'go away' in French.