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Either it's just harmless flirting or he likes you.

Are you a "Cutie Babe" and or a "Sweetheart"?

guy is either kind hearted being nice, or it is a flirt. just ask yourself. what if you called someone that. what does it mean. and why did you call them that.

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13y ago

It mean your sweet, and he who like to date you.

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13y ago

If you are SURE he doesn't like you, he could be using it as sarcasm or as a friendly term of endearment ( like a father to his daughter).

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12y ago

If I wear you I would tell my boyfriend or slap in front of everyone.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy calls you sweetie but your not going out?
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What does it mean when a guy calls you sweetie and says your cute?

Well, usually it means he likes you, or is trying to be nice.

What does it mean if a guy calls you baby cakes?

It is just a cute nickname like baby, honey, sweetie, ect.

Why would a guy call you sweetie every time he sees you and when he knows you are married does he have a thing for you?

Maybe he calls everyone sweetie. It doesn't necessarily mean anything.No. Just because a guy calls you sweetie doesn't mean he's into you. Sometimes it is a way of flirting, but not all the time. For instance I call a lot of people 'honey' or 'sweetie' or even 'babe' sometimes. Just because I call them that it doesn't mean I'm into them. This goes for guys and girls.If you live in the South it's not that unusual. But it still creeps me out.Mostly when a guy calls you sweetie, it's kind of like a nickname. He calls you that because he likes you. Sometimes, your ''guy'' does that to flirt with you but that only happens when they are not married to you. They're like the words ''babe'' and ''honey''. Sometimes when they call you that it usually means nothing

What does it mean if a guy calls you baby?

he is sweet talking you or if ou are going out he just made you a nick name. :) but sometimes my guy friend calls me baby when he wants something from me

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If a guy calls you "kid", it is a term of endearment.

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a bodybuilt guy

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he wants it.

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That your easy to Get into bed

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Its a term of endearment.

What if a guy calls you mean or dirty names?

Get rid of him!

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it means your UGLY!