feeling like your with someone for a mile
thre is a story named "walk a mile in someone else's shoe........and it means that walking a mile with someone else's shoe on>>>>>>>>>>^^^^ That answer up there is WAY off and wrong. Sorry to whoever wrote it but.. its way off. It doesn't literally mean to walk in their shoes it means to feel the way they feel and to go through the things they do. Or Put yourself in their situation, dint be so hard on them because you never know what they are going through
To get a different perspective. Why do they do the things they do? Think about what it is like to be in the same situation as them. Be in their shoes
"Walk in his shoes" is an expression that means to try to understand someone's perspective, feelings, or experiences by imagining oneself in their situation. It encourages empathy and seeing things from another person's point of view.
To walk in someone's shoes is to know what they're going through. You understand the life they experience in their point of view. When you walk in someone's shoes you try to show empathy to that person, to show that you care. It is generally about understanding others.
A mile from where you started, having stolen someone else's shoes.
sociological term: versten.
"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes."~ Jack Handey
To "Take a walk in someone's shoes" simply means to see what they go through in life or to share an experience of someone else's.
It means to imagine what it is like to be someone else, with someone else's problems and concerns.
Walk a Mile in My Shoes was created in 1969.
The "PS" in kids' shoes size stands for "pre-school." This size is for kids who are just starting to walk, or who are still in the process of learning to walk.