If the neck of a bearded dragon's neck puffs up, it's mad or scared and the neck might also get black:)
I think you mean severs* the neck. To me, it would logically mean that if you have false ambitions, your just setting yourself up for failure.
She is dehighdrated
I think you may mean 'bottle-neck' which means a narrowing, an area where things get jammed up.
nothing umlesss there trying to turn you on and get you knocked up if you been kissed on the neck it is possible you experienced hickeys
to be honest it doesnt mean anything, he just wants to feel you up. lol. =')
Picking up a cat by the loose skin at the back of the neck is scruffing
Up to His Neck was created in 1954.
it means your neck is royal
If you mean around their neck its because that where there mums pick them up when they are little.
It implies that there is no brain activity, so someone who is very foolish or stupid.
very close together in a race