"il/elle était ..." translates as "he/she was ..." in French.
Ex: Il était là depuis le matin - he was there since the morning.
Elle était grande - she was tall.
It depends: I was = J'etais, He was = Il etait, She was = Elle etait
etait (with an accent on the 'e')
In French, "she was" is translated as "elle était".
Quand tu etait petit
Le temps etait beau
Son talent etait le basketball
il etait une fois...
comment etait ton ecole primaire
As the past participle of 'drink', an example would be for 'he was drunk' - il etait ivre
How was your day at school? (This is English transposed into French)
"Pendant le jour il était ..." means "during the day he was ..." in French.
How was your trip?