It means Oh My God
it came from a popular meme
Ermahgerd gerd bertmen
Ermahgerd is an internet slang term that originated from a humorous mispronunciation of "oh my god". It is not linked to any specific language but is rather a playful and exaggerated way to express excitement or surprise in written form.
Pumpkin Soup. Pumpk inside of the word soup ermahgerd
Be the cat's mother: lick the wound. Other than that, and if this post is serious, ermahgerd, clean that wound and give it some Neosporin, stat!
I would rather listen to the Vuvuzela Relaxation mix annual 2008 edition 4 disc 2 track 7 BEST SONG EVER ERMAHGERD! P.S. Daewoo sucks to all you crazy ladies who like it, that includes you Mr. Chinga Daewoo
you mean what you mean
Mean is the average.
It mean what you don't what does it mean.
The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.
The correct usage is "what DOES it mean"