dah aquaintance means someeone whom knowas hahah i think look it up in a dictionary god hahahahahaha
non-aquaintance I think
If someone says that you are not a friend, it means that you are not considered as their friend.
Well, acquaintance means to get to know or understand something, for example; "She had little acquaintance on the subject." I'm not sure if this is the word you are referring to. :)
Associate, Colleague, Mates, Aquaintance
I have many aquaintance like my friends or family
The verb of acquaintance is acquaint. As in "to acquaint someone".
Synonyms:Awareness,Familiarity Antonyms:Ignorance,Unwareness Definition:Personal Knowledge
Be corteous, honest and helpful when dealing with other people.
Yes. If not a friend than at least a close aquaintance.
"Why hello, Drogen. Pleased to make your aquaintance."
is there a prefix suffix or a root in the word aquaintance
"Why hello, Drogen. Pleased to make your aquaintance."