

Best Answer
Back off my Grill, Yo!Back off my grill is slang for get off my case or back away from me, step back and cool it

Guy: Hey girl, this is already the second time I'm asking, 'can I dance with you?'
Girl: you better back off my grill before I call my boyfriend!
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Q: What does 'back off my grill' mean?
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What does Hey Dude you are in my grill mean?

You're in their space.. Back off a little. Someone's "grill" is their mouth with the teeth showing, like the grill on the front of a car or truck.

What does 'chill get off my grill' mean?

It means 'dude, back off' -relax and give me some space. often used by a female when being unexpectedly approached by a male- I was dancing with my girls when this guy grabbed my arm, I pushed him away cuz he was 'all up on my grill'

How do you replace the grill on a Chrysler 300m?

it doesnt come off you have to cut it off sorry it does come off. you need to take off the bumper and there are clips that you need to take off and the grill pulls off

How do you remove G35 valance grill?

open the hood, take the 4 clips out from top off the grill end puch it out open the hood, take the 4 clips out from top off the grill end puch it out open the hood, take the 4 clips out from top off the grill end puch it out open the hood, take the 4 clips out from top off the grill end puch it out

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It means back off jerk

How do you change the headlight bulb on 2004 landrover discovery?

Remove the grill and the headlights will sort of hinge out so you can pop cover off back.

What does btfo mean?

Back the f*** off

What type of panel can you install behind a grill to keep heat off of the wood house 3 inches from back of grill?

None. Move the grill. There is no magical cooling plate. There are fireproof materials yes, but you'd need a truly massive plate of the stuff and it'd cost you tons of cash. Your asking to burn your house down. Again, move the grill.

How do I connect a gas grill to a gas line?

To connect a gas grill to a gas line, you will need to first ensure that your grill is compatible with natural gas or propane. Next, you will need to turn off the gas supply and attach a flexible gas hose to the grill and the gas line using a wrench. Make sure to check for any leaks using soapy water before turning the gas back on and testing the grill.

What does I'm about to grill you mean?

If you grill someone, you are usually pressing for some type of information.

What happens when you leave the grill on?

If you forget to turn off the grill, you may use up all your gas.

How do you grill sunflower seeds?

you cant just out sunflowers seeds on a grill. You can get a pan put them on then set it on the grill only if they came off you sunflower plant thought