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It is similar to idiom 'shaking in one's boots'. It means that one is very afraid and shaking from fear.

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Harmony Will

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2y ago
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9y ago

It means that the people were very afraid of something

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Q: What do you mean by people quaking in their boots?
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What is meaning of People quaking in their boots?

The people are afraid; that is why they are shivering.

What is a sentence using the word quaking?

The experience left the greenhorn quaking in his boots.

Can you give a sentence for quaking?

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How do you use quaking in a sentence?

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A quaking aspen tree is a type of poplar tree, it is not a conifer.

What does knocking boots with someone mean?

It is hard to understand the slang used by people now a days. "Knocking boots" with someone refers to engaging in sexual intercourse.

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boots means a pair,

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Clump quaking aspen refers to a form of quaking aspen that grows in clusters from a shared root system, whereas quaking aspen typically grows as individual trees. Clump forms are interconnected underground, resulting in genetically identical trees with similar characteristics, while individual quaking aspen trees grow independently.

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A quaking of the sea.

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the quaking of the earth

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it means that powerful people get too big for their boots and then get murdered..........sort of

Can quaking aspens be planted in a pot?

Yes, quaking aspens can be planted in a pot. However, the trees will eventually outgrow it and need to be transferred to the ground.