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Act the same like he does to you/others in the same way, if he/she doesn't realise that you are acting like him/her, try to make it more obvious that you are trying to act like him/her.

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Q: What do you do with arrogant jerks?
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they are jerks becuase their moms are jerks and their dads are jerks so he learned from them and is about to get a punch from me.

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The Jerks was created in 1979.

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My Jerks was created on 2009-01-06.

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Because winners are always jerks

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yup its also for jerks and idiots yup its also for jerks and idiots yup its also for jerks and idiots

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Jerks are bad. Dancers are ok. Kick out all jerks. that's wat i do.

How do you become a jerk?

You will know you are a jerk if people call you that a lot...and also if, deep inside, you know you are. Jerks: Are mean Jerks: Don't care about anyone but themselves Jerks: Dump people after they got what they want Jerks: Don't care about others feelings... Jerks: Hit people Jerks: Steal Jerks: Are jerks :) If people are constantly canceling things they're supposed to do with you, or your best friends stop wanting to hang out with you.

Why are there jerks here?

There are jerks on every site. Most of them find it amusing to be jerks. That will work fine until they grow up and find that no one wants to be around a jerk except other jerks. That is their reward.

Why are guys jerks to girls?

because of how awful they are not all guys are jerks. but there are some guys that are jerks to be jerks really, don't let these guys put you down or influence you in any way. most guys I think are not trying to be jerks though, its our nature because we do not fully understand girls and how sensitive you really are. guys that seem to be jerks might not notice what they are doing

How do you say arrogant in french?

arrogant, arrogante