An unwelcome person who overstays their welcome can be considered intrusive, disrespectful, and uninvited. It's important to communicate boundaries clearly and address the situation appropriately to uphold a sense of mutual respect and comfort in the space.
Your welcome is used after you are thanked by someone and there is no after speech after it.
In Konkani, you say "svoagat" to welcome someone.
A welcome address is to welcome someone to an event. It shows the audience that you are happy they are there and that you appreciate them.
A slugabed is a person who overstays in bed past the usual or the required time.
It is more common to say "Welcome to the..." when welcoming someone to a specific place or event.
Say "It's a pleasure to help." Or "You're welcome."
Saying you're welcome when someone says thank you is "Bitteschön" and you're welcome as in "welcome to a place" is "Willkommen"
Hug him/her
To welcome someone
Your welcome.