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Secretary of the meeting. Secretary of the Board Meeting

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Q: What do you call the person that prepares the minutes of a meeting?
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A Technician.

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Say "can we all have a minutes silence" for .........

What do you call a person who prepares your medicine?

a person who dispenses it is called a pharmacist

What do you call a person who leads a meeting?

The person who leads a council meeting cab be called the chairperson.

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A Taxidermist

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Can a committee member second a motion to approve the minutes of a meeting if that person did not attend the relevant meeting?

Yes as a matter of protocol, any one sitting on a board can motion for an action regardless of the reason for the action. Another person can second that motion for the same reason because the motion is a call for a vote.

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What does it mean to say can you call me in about an hour out?

It means you should call the person in an hour, give or take 10-15 minutes, i.e. 45-50 minutes, 70-75 minutes.

How do you vote out a stockholder and what should the meeting minutes say?

If you have a shareholder agreement that allow a shareholder to be voted out, you should follow what the agreement says. Call a meeting, have a quorum present, vote. The minutes should reflect that all of that took place, that the meeting was called, a quorum was present, a motion was made, it was seconded, there was discussion (or not), there was a vote, and the motion carried (or not).

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