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Q: What do you call a person who helps others but expects something in return?
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What is the difference between ideal and reciprocal altruism?

The difference between ideal and reciprocal altruism is in one, the person expects nothing in return. In reciprocal altruism, the person expects something back at some point.

Can you use the word domicile in a sentence?

The legal domicile of a natural person is the place to which the person most often expects to return whenever absent from it.

What do you call a person who always helps others without expecting anything in return?

benevolent person

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one when he expects the pay he gives return in maximum performance by his satisfaction

What is an example of rate of return?

For example, if a company invests $1,000 and expects to get back $1,100 one year from today, it expects to earn 10 percent (= (1,100 ? 1,000)/1,000).

What is meant by 'What goes around comes around'?

What goes around comes around" means that, whatever behaviour someone indulges in is likely to affect them in return. For example, if a person does good for someone else, blessings will return to that person in the form of good things. If a person raises their children to be responsible and respectful members of society, their children in return will treat them with dignity and responsibility. On the other hand, if someone does something wrong or treats others badly, they in turn will suffer from poor treatment when they, themselves, are in need.

What does devuelva mean in spanish?

It is an order to a single person to 'give back,' or 'return' something.

What is a generous person is said to be?

A generous person is said to be kind, giving, and altruistic. They are willing to help others without expecting anything in return.

How would you describe a helpful person?

A helpful person, is someone who helps someone WITHOUT seeking something in return. This person can also be said to be advantageous.

Did the Vatican say there would be no 2nd coming of Jesus?

Absolutely not! The Church fully expects and is anxiously anticipating the return of Jesus.

What happens if someone lets you borrrow something and you don't return it?

everyone realizes you're not a good person

How can I earn a 20 return?

Find something and someone such that the person is prepared to pay you the required sum of money.