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Q: What are the tips to make a barangay clean and a peaceful community?
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How can you make your barangay clean and peaceful?

to make your barangay clean and peaceful .. make sure that all people have a good manner they know what is the best for there barangay.. all people must know how to clean there area.. and respect each other..!! tnx.!!

How can you make barangays clean and peaceful?

to make your barangay clean and peaceful .. make sure that all people have a good manner they know what is the best for there barangay.. all people must know how to clean there area.. and respect each other..!! tnx.!!

What you do to maintain your barangay clean and peaceful?

you must appoint some of your officials... if they will not follow you kill them....... why? because you are task to that things so they must follow you

How do you make our barangay clean and peaceful in a paragraph?

To make our barangay clean and peaceful, it is important for everyone to participate in regular clean-up activities and properly dispose of waste. Establishing community patrolling and promoting open communication among residents can help prevent conflicts or issues from escalating. Implementing programs that promote environmental awareness and good neighborliness can contribute to creating a harmonious and clean environment for everyone to enjoy.

Tips to make a barangay clean and peaceful?

we should be a concerned citizen. we should exert efforts in making our barangay at peace and clean all the time. Our health is very important.

What are the ways to clean and maintain peacefulness of the barangay?

To clean and maintain peacefulness in a barangay, residents can organize regular clean-up drives, enforce proper waste disposal practices, promote community involvement in maintaining cleanliness, and address issues promptly through open communication and dialogue among neighbors. Regular patrols by barangay officials can also help in ensuring the safety and peacefulness of the community.

How your barangay make clean and peaceful?

A barangay can promote cleanliness and peace by implementing proper waste management programs, conducting regular clean-up drives, and enforcing local ordinances on littering and noise control. Additionally, fostering community engagement through neighborhood watch programs and dialogues can help address conflicts and ensure a peaceful environment.

How do you make a sample letter informing barangay chairman about clean and and green activity?

how you answer your barangy letter here are the examples of barangay letter do you want to informyour barangay what is the problem now can you see that picture that is the examples of barangay letter

How do you make our community peaceful and safe?


How do you make barangay ordinance?

To make a barangay ordinance, the barangay council initiates the process by proposing a draft ordinance. The draft is discussed and deliberated on during barangay council meetings, and input may be gathered from stakeholders or residents through consultations or public hearings. Once finalized, the ordinance is typically signed by the barangay captain and promulgated to inform the community of the new regulation.

What are the duties and responsibilities of a barangay captain?

Duties and ObligationsA punong barangay is responsible for implementing all ordinances, resolutions and laws in the barangay. They are in charge of governance, financial stability, development provisioning, leading the barangay legislation or workforce and ensuring peace and order within the community. A barangay captain also acts as liaison between his community's people and higher government officials such as city or municipality mayors and province governors. They control all meetings and assemblies with the barangay officials, help with the mayor's government obligations and facilitate all basic services in accordance with the law.Barangay captains have the power to appoint and remove barangay officials. They organize community programs, facilitate fund-raising activities and promote the welfare of their community. They make sure that everyone is orchestrated towards the improvement and the betterment of the barangay, their properties, cleanliness and orderliness.

What are the specific duties and responsibilities of a barangay captain?

of barannga kagawad