You do not show respect to a flag by not doing the pledge of allegiance and throwing the flag on the ground.
if a cadet does not respect his flag, he is unlikly to be respected.......
be nice to the flag and respect it and charice it
We usually put a flag out.
Respect tghe flag
Anyone who is active military and dressed in uniform is expected to stand and salute the flag.
Anyone who is active military and dressed in uniform is expected to stand and salute the flag.
Everyone deserves respect.
There are many things that you could list out of respect for the flag. You should list how to take care of it.
I am losing my respect for his judgement. He exhibits a grudging respect for the flag, at best.
Illuminating a flag at night is a sign of respect and patriotism. It is often done to honor the flag and show reverence for the country it represents.
when your showing respect to the American flag or any flag