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Among the ancient Filipinos, the male attire was composed of the upper and lower parts, the upper, called kanggan, was a black or blue collarless jacket with short sleeves. It seems that the color of the jacket indicated the rank of the wearer, for the chief wore a red jacket, while those below his rank wore either blue or black depending upon their position in society. The lower part of the attire, called bahag, consisted of a strip of cloth wrapped about the waist, passing down between the thighs. Such method of dressing naturally left one's thighs and legs exposed.

The woman's dress, too, was composed of the upper and lower parts. The upper, called baro or camisa, was a jacket with sleeves, while the lower part, called saya by the Tagalogs and patadyong by the Visayans, was loose skirt. A piece of red or white cloth, called tapis, was usually wrapped about the waist.

Men, women and children walked about barefooted, for sandals and shoes were Spanish innovations. The male had a headgear consisting of a piece of cloth, called putong, which was wrapped around his head. The color of the putong showed the "manliness" of a man; a red putong for instance, signified that the wearer had killed a man in war. But he who had killed at least seven was privileged to wear an embroidered putong. The woman, on the other hand, had no putong, but wore her hair gracefully knotted at the back of her head.

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Q: What are the early filipino customs and tradition?
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