Millicent Fenwick's birth name is Hammond, Millicent.
Millicent Wise's birth name is Millicent Franklin.
Yes, her name was Millicent Fawcett Yes, her name was Millicent Fawcett
Some common nicknames for the name Phil are Philo, Philly, and Flip.
Some possible nicknames for the name Crshonne could be CJ, Shon, or Ronnie.
The name Millicent has no meaning in Hebrew. Only Hebrew names have meaning in Hebrew. Millicent comes from Old Germanic, so it probably has a meaning in that language.
Some nicknames for the name Georgia include Georgie, Gia, and GiGi.
Some nicknames for Kennedy are: * Ken * Kenlie * Kenken * KK * Kenny
Kara Taitz.