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to take shoes off upon entering a house

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Q: What are some Chinese coustoms?
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What are some Coustoms in France?

=) Eating snails and frogs legs =)

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Why do they call it Futbal?

Because some countries have different coustoms and that is what they started to call it before actual football was invented.

What kind of coustoms wear in Italy?

you spelt costumes wrong

How do you change coustoms in mortal kombat 9?

When you choose your character, press the start button rather then X (PS3) or A (Xbox 360)

How has Chester Arthur made an impresion in others' lives?

by showing a local NYC coustoms collector, crooked as they come, can become president.

Who comes up with the ideas of lady gaga coustoms?

She does because she really likes this wild styles. She likes being different. But its not all a show Its her. I hope I helped. :)

Do Chinese restaurants serve real Chinese food?

Some Chinese Restaurants Serve Authentic Chinese Cuisine, and some do not. there are those that serve a Chinese Food American style here in the USA.

Can the Chinese have drugs?

Of course! Some Chinese have drugs as well.

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Chinese people