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That's funny, because I'm writing some right now! I'm putting "Have a Happy New Year." However, you can also write something along the lines of:

"Have a happy 2013"

"Have a great New Year"

or simply "Happy New Year"

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Q: What are good closing salutations for New Years letters?
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Eat well and be marry, Christmas that is. Have a wonderful holiday

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What are good christian closing salutations for emails?

The closing salutations vary depending on the time of the church year or season. Most commonly, the pastor dismisses the congregation with peaceful wishes and the congregation will praise God in some form as their response.

Good Christian closing for letters?

Here are some: In Him, In Christ, In Jesus' Joy, Many Blessings, In His Service,

Can letters start with no dear?

Yes, letters can start without using "Dear." It is common to address a letter using other salutations such as "Hello," "Hi," "Good morning," or simply the recipient's name. The choice of the salutation depends on the level of formality and the relationship between the sender and recipient.

What are good Christian Greeting Salutations for letters?

Popular Christian greetings for letters include "Blessings in Christ," "Grace and peace to you," or simply "God bless." These salutations convey well-wishes and faith-based sentiments to the recipient.

Do Sun Salutations help you lose weight?

Sun Salutations are a good start to an exercise regimen and they can help increase flexibility but they by themselves will generally not help you loose a significant amount of weight

When writing a cover letter which salutations should be used?

Some good salutations for a cover letter are: To Whom It May Concern Dear Sir/Madam Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss

What are good closing salutations for letters?

That all depends on the tone and purpose of the letter.Some common closings for formal letters are:Sincerely,Respectfully,With regards,Personal letters may want to use:Sincerely yours,Love,Your friend,Your loving _________,======================How about:I remain, your most humble, loyal and obedient servant, etc., etc..But I prefer, for business letters simply:Yours truly,Yours very truly,And by the way, again for business letters, I prefer to begin each letter with a 'Re:' line, referencing the matter about which I am writing in a few words. I also prefer to introduce the body of each letter with a one- or two-sentence paragraph clearly and succinctly outlining the reason for my letter.===========================My favorite is: All The Best,

Why do you think Abdual Kalam offers salutations to Indians everywhere When do we normally offer salutations and good wishes to someone?

I think people have had faith in him because of the trust one can develop through the concrete work.