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How about this?

"Ooh--that's sweet of you to say! But of course we don't really know each other at all. I could be a 70-year-old man for all you really know. So let's just keep it friendly but not get more personal than that. Ok? Otherwise I won't really want to chat with you any more."

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Q: This guy you met on a chat room keeps telling you that he loves you because you get along and you dont feel the same way but you dont want to hurt him what do you do?
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What does it mean if my girlfriend keeps telling me i love you?

it means ... SHE LOVES YOU! and maybe you should buy her a ring

Does she loves me she keeps on telling she is not ready to love but if I can wait for her why not?

Maybe she came from cloudy relationship that's why shes telling you that way, just follow what she is saying and for sure you will take her big "YES".

Does a guy care for you if he's only hanging out with his friends and doesn't even keep in contact with you even though he tells you how much he loves you?

Probably not, he just wants you when it is convient for him, and telling you that he loves you, keeps you hanging on.

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Pucca always chases Garu because she loves him

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It means she has a major crush on him and he needs to avoid her - keep his distance.

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The way to look at is if your boyfriend loves u he will belive u. That other girl is probably just trying to get with your boyfriend .

If your girlfriend says that her love for you in indescribable does she mean it?

Well it really depends. I have always believed that actions speak louder than words. So if she can show you she loves you along with telling you than chances are she is being genuine. Well it really depends. I have always believed that actions speak louder than words. So if she can show you she loves you along with telling you than chances are she is being genuine.

Why would your girlfriend tell you she wants to slow down and take a break but keeps calling and telling you she loves you and gets mad when you tell her you are going to leave her alone and not call?

I'm guessing she doesn't really know what she wants or what she is doing. Give it a few weeks, and if she has'nt got her head straight then, time to move along.

What should you do if your boyfriend keeps telling you he loves you but goes out with someone else?

what do you mean have another relationship? If so then he doesn't love you he telling you that so you'll stick around don't listen to that fool because that what he wants you to think that he loves you so you won't go no where if he loved you he would not go out with someone else that isn't you so forget about him until he decides that it's you and only you wants don't play second fiddle to nobody either be number one or nothing at all.

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He says he loves you but he fears telling it it any one and stops you of telling anyone why?

he is embarassed of you, and I would be too.

How do you know if your boyfriend loves you if he keeps asking you for money and to buy him stuff how do you know he is really there because he loves or because of the money?

i dont know about you but i would dump him... people like that are definetly want you're money, dont take youre chances, or just try saying no more than once and see what happens, if he keeps at it... you know what to do