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It was Marie-Therese Geoffrin.

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Q: The most influential hostess of social gathering in voltairs time helping to shape the taste and manners of the enlightenment?
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Variety of Christian responses to the Enlightenment?

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We should offer physical help to those in need, including helping with personal care or the gathering of food and supplies. Helping people in need can begin with volunteering in a soup kitchen, gathering blankets for the homeless, or even offering free help within your skill set to those less fortunate.

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How did the salons help to spread Enlightenment ideas?

Salons provided a space for intellectuals, writers, and thinkers to gather and discuss new ideas. They allowed for the free exchange of thoughts and opinions, helping to spread Enlightenment ideals such as reason, skepticism, and individualism. Through these gatherings, ideas were debated, refined, and ultimately disseminated to a broader audience.

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A Bodhisattva can be likened to a compassionate spiritual warrior committed to helping others attain enlightenment, much like a guardian angel guiding and supporting individuals on their spiritual journey.

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Children in the Stone Age likely engaged in activities such as playing with handmade toys, gathering food, helping with hunting and gathering tasks, learning survival skills, and possibly creating simple crafts or drawings. Play, exploration, and skill-building would have been key components of their daily lives.

Children have the most tasks in which mode of production?

Children have the most tasks in a subsistence mode of production, where they are often involved in basic activities like gathering food, caring for animals, or helping with household chores.

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The main difference between Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism is their approach to enlightenment. Theravada focuses on individual realization and self-liberation, while Mahayana emphasizes compassion and the idea of helping all beings achieve enlightenment. Additionally, Mahayana includes a wider range of texts and practices than Theravada.

How did Saint Augustine fail at helping the Christian Church?

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